Saturday, November 21, 2009

Does anyone know a code that will make the images in my myspace comments tiny??

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

td.text td.text table table table td a img {width:100px;}

td.text td.text table table table td div img {width:80px;}

td.text td.text table table td img {width:260px; max-width:260px; width:auto;}

td.text td.text table table td div img {width:80px;}

* html td.text td.text table table td img {width:260px;}

* html td.text td.text table table td a img {width:90px;}

* html td.text td.text table table td div img {width:80px;}

%26lt;/style%26gt;%26lt;div style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0p... href="" target="_self"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" alt="Graphic Help" /%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

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