Saturday, November 21, 2009

PLZ HELP! Question bout myspace!?

How can i make myspace tiny like this one ???

ppl give the links. but can someone just tell me the code plz???

PLZ HELP! Question bout myspace!?

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

table table td img {display:none;}

table table table td img {display:inline;}

table td td {width:0px;}

table {width:450px;}

table table {width:auto;}

table table td {padding:3px;}

table table table td {padding:0px;}

table table table {width:220px !important; height:0px;}

td.text td a img {width:auto !important;}

table table table table table, table table table table table td { width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;} td.text a img {width:100px !important;}

td.text td.text a img {width:35px !important;}

td td td div strong {width:170px !important; display:block;}

embed, object {display:block; width:220px; height:38px;}

td.text td.text .orangetext15, td.text td.text table table div {display:none;}


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