Thursday, December 24, 2009

I had a huge fight with my friend, now I feel terrible about it. Help?

Okay.. . . In February, my best friend Heather moved unexpectedly (She lived in a house with about 8 other people, and her aunt would keep having fights with her almost everyday over tiny things) so her mom took Heather and they moved a few districts away and are now living with her moms boyfriend. Well, from that point on, we could only use the phone,internet,and writing letters to contact each other. I couldn't call very often. Same thing with her boyfriend, James (He is a plot point, sort of). I got her number and address, and a few days after she moved, she had gotten a new boyfriend. Two days afterward, she broke up with James. By then, I had gotten really close to James. Heather got really mad two weeks later when me and James started going out. Well.. she and our friend Carson began to attack me with insults on IM and myspace. And now, our friend Brian said that Heather really only wanted to talk to me. (see extra details, I'm not done yet)

I had a huge fight with my friend, now I feel terrible about it. Help?

If you feel horrible, let her know. It sounds like there is quite a bit of juvenile stuff going on, but if you've been friends for that long I think you should apologize for what you've done wrong and the two of you should stop letting guys interfere with your friendships. I had a friend in high school who was constantly getting into trouble with her friends because she kept stealing their boyfriends ... that is so ridiculous! Please don't let this become a pattern, and try to patch things up with Heather.

I had a huge fight with my friend, now I feel terrible about it. Help?

The extra details don't really matter. If you want to get back together with this friend, call her or e-mail her and apologize, even if you really haven't done anything wrong. Then explain how you value her friendship and didn't mean to hurt her. I think it's better if you call, because that way you can talk to each other and hear each other's voice and this is more personal than an e-mail.

I had a huge fight with my friend, now I feel terrible about it. Help?

Heres my advice. If you honestly truely feel horrible, but you know in your heart you have done nothing wrong, except date this James kid, then let her know you feel horrible, but you arent clear on what you've done to upset her, other than date James. Tell her you care about her feelings, but you are close to him, and you wanted to date him. If she is truely your friend, she will not be mad for long, after all, she has her onwn boyfriend now, but if you feel bad, and there is more to the story, tell her you are sorry, and tell her why you are sorry. But for now, do not break up with James, and leave her be, from my own experience, she WILL cool down. Especially if you have done nothing to intentionally hurt her, and you have attempted to call her. I hope this helped. Good luck!

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