Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

I'm 14 and will be going to high school next year. This is their rules-

I'm not allowed to date until I'm 17 or 18.

I'm not allowed to shave my legs until I'm 15 or 16.

My curfew is 7 on school nights 9 on weekends. (Including friends houses. NO SLEEPOVERS :[ )

I can't have a cell phone until I'm 16, but if I'm out I can take my mom's.

I'm not allowed to have a myspace and I can have an AIM, but my parents usually watch what I type to people. (This one I don't really care about as much)

I'm not allowed to wear makeup of any kind until I'm 18. I can wear a tiny bit of lip gloss to school and mascara to parties or other special events, but that's it.

My outfits have to be "parent approved". Skirts have to be to the knee, nothing low cut, no bikinis, nothing revealing, no thongs, etc.

No going to the mall by myself or with friends. They just started to let me go to the movies with friends a few months ago.

No tampons. EVER =[

Do you agree with these?

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

NO I DON'T I'm sorry... but that a bit (actually a lot) TOO EXTREME! Especially shaving your legs! But hey, my parents have dumb rules too. Don't listen to those people who say "enjoy being a kid now" or "have fun while you can" We are not babies people! That was then - this is now! I think your parents are going to baby you forever. I'm really sorry...=(( They need to stop holding on too you. Tampons should be your own choice too,

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

No tampons!? What's wrong with them I think they are by far the best invention on the face of this earth.. Haha..

They are a LITTLE extravagant.. With the no sleepovers and no shaving your legs and no tampons.. Everything else seems pretty legit.

The tampon thing just baffles me. Haha. What do they think, that it's gonna make you wanna have sex?! Weird...

You should be able to shave your legs and have sleepovers.. and definitely tampons.. Go buy some yourself!! I totally would.

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

wow...that is like torture! some of those rules are just ridiculous! Im sorry I dont know how to help u. just rebel! whoo!

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

You'll love them for this later when your older. Your parents know better than you what there doing , you might have it better than I had it at your age, your weekend curfew is 9 pm, yeah thats rather lenient , cell phone thing I dont get, my son is 10 and has one. I dont see how that could be a harm but its there rules. You'll be grown before you know and and wishing you could be a kid again with rules and all.

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

They just want to make sure that they raise you correctly.


Now that that generic phrase is done, unless you're a terribly social person, you really don't need a cell phone, nor need to have them pick out your clothes...obviously, perhaps their own lives aren't too interesting, but that is a bit ridiculous.

But you don't need to do half of those things.

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

omg! wow that stinks, no tampons? isnt that up to u? well i think its unfair and i definatly dont agree!

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

i personally do not think it is fair at all. i can understand some of them like the curfew and the cell phone but those are it. the rest is ridiculous. im 20 yrs old and i started shaving in 6th grade, wearing tampons almost right away, and i didnt get a cell phone until i was able to drive on my own. which that is really the only time. other than that your mom's phone is no biggie. i wore make-up whenever i wanted but it wasnt much i mean you dont have to have a lot on, i wore thongs and was able to shop w/ friends as long as it was my money that i earned MYSELF! have you talked to your parents about this? do they know that it bothers you? sorry to tell you all the things i could do at your age but im just letting you know some things that really arent that crazy lol. i dont want to make you feel belittled or anything but i think you should bring your concern up to your parents and see what they say. you should be able to wear tampons if you want to. its your body :) i hope talking to them will help hun. good luck my fingers are crossed for you.

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

that is way way over the top. all of those rules. poor you.

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

that is completely ridiculous! you need to tell them that you need your space. They seem pretty smothering and obnoxious.

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

No they are not treating you fair at all! You should not stand for this!

here's some tips:

Talk to them


Do everything they told you not to do


Go on strike!

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

wow.....sorry.....can't help you...

but about the whole tampons thing......

i don't get it.....isn't it kind of your own business whether you wanna use 'em or not??????????

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

Some of the rules I can see their point but the shaving and tampon things??? Ask them why they have those rules and calmly talk, dont yell or whine, to them about a little more freedom

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

I'll number your questions so my answers will make sense.

1. Your parents are doing that for your own good. Many teens have gotten hurt, pregnant, or wound up in situations they can't handle when dating too young.

2. Tell them I started at 13, because my hair is and was black, and ugly. You can always use Nair, but do it with parents permission.

3. Curfews are good, and it really is for your protection, not because they want to rule your life and make it miserable. I wasn't allowed any sleepovers, either, but I turned out fine.

4. No need for a cell phone of your own until you have a job and can pay the bill yourself.

5. The reason for that is because of all the internet perverts.

6. I wasn't allowed to wear any until I was 16. I only wore it a few times, because it was more of a hassle then it was worth. I haven't worn any in YEARS.

7. I wore T Shirts or sweaters, depending on the time of year it was. And jeans or shorts, depending on the time of year it was. My parents never allowed anything real skimpy, either. This is for your own good. Girls who try to dress to show skin are also targets for sex crimes, and they get reputations such as ho.

8. This is good, because teens are the most likely to be shoplifting. Not saying you will do it, but if one of your friends should, you could be getting a ride home in a cop car as well.

9. Tell your parents I started using them when I was 12, because my blood flow is so heavy during my monthlies. Educate them on the size you need, because they should be changed every two hours, no matter what the size is.

Edit: They are probably scared of tampons because of Toxic Shock Syndrome. This isn't a problem so long as the tampons are changed every two hours, whether they are full of blood or not.

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

It seems like they are very conservative and a little overprotetive. I'm curious about why it is that they won't let you wear tampons (either they think it'll make you lose your virginity or they are worrid about tss, I hope it's ther latter) As far as other things.

There are ways around them, if you have dark hair ask if you can use bleach or something like nair on them. but don't worry too much about that I know girls that didn't shave until they went to college and the vast majority of my friends only shave when we have too, it's the bane of our existence.

It does sound like they are willing to let you expand and their rules may change. If you want them to change your rules you might want to try sitting down with them and asking if there are any rules they are willing to change and what you can do to show them that you are able to handle the changes. Maybe you can't sleep at your friends house but can they sleep at yours? As far as going to the mall alone or with friends, would they be willing to loosen the reins some, as in they go to the mall with you and then let you guys wander around on your own with set times and places to meet and check up or if they don't want you running around the entire mall alone you could break up the mall into sections that you your friends and your parents have to stay in.

The thing is, whether or not the people on the internet agree, it won't affect your rules, only you talking with your parents will help you change these rules.

EDIT: As far as the outfits being parent approved, I'm assuming that means you literaly have to get their okay everytime you put something on, you could strike some middle ground. If they have approved your entire wardrobe then you shouldn't have to have each outfit approved. Go through your wardrobe with your mom or dad and find a way to mark any borderline clothing to seperate them from the definitely approved clothes. If you don't wear a borderline top and bottom together then every outfit you choose to wear should be deemed appropriate.

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

i dont agree with shaving, make up and sleepovers and tampons. and kinda the cell phone. sorry i dont kno how to help tho.

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

actually its best not using tampons because its clinacly proven that they can give people in the person who wears them... but the rest is stupid especially how you cant shave your legs!! im 12 and do!

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

some of those are ok, like the myspase and AIM but no sleepovers, no shaving legs, and outfits are WAY to extreme, that is really unfair though

Why do my parents treat me like a 5 year old?! Do you think this is unfair?!?

Its your parents house. That means there rules. A few like the no tampons and not shaving your legs seem strange, but the others I could understand.

They are trying to protect you. And seem to me that you have a set of parents that care about you. You should be happy about that.

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