Monday, December 28, 2009

Lose weight without exorcise?

My situation is rather interesting, I spend all week in front of the computer - no, I'm not a hard-core gamer or addicted to Myspace. I'm actually a graphic designer and animator, which means I work from almost sun up to sun down creating designs and working on art; pretty much all week. I also happen to love food, and on top of not having much free time, I'd hate to spend it on exorcise. Which I just loath doing in the first place.

But I've always been over weight, and I'm getting really tired of it. Is there any method that I can work on that won't require spending x amount of hours tumbling head over heels down a road or doing crunches until I can't sit up anymore?

So far on my list I have keeping a calorie diary and eating five tiny meals per day. Is there anything else I can do? Or is there something food-wise that someone could elaborate on, such as suggesting what those small five meals per day should be?

Lose weight without exorcise?

You can do lots. First off cut your calories and eat 3 small healthy meals a day. Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies and lean protein. Have a healthy snack between each meal and before bed. You do need to exercise but you can exercise in your chair at your desk. Swing your feet or move them up and down like you are marching while you sit. Twist your body side to side as you sit. When you have free time consider going out dancing or turn on your radio and dance while you prepare supper or while you are loading the washer. Park farther away at the mall or the grocery store so you have to walk. The main thing is to burn more calories than you take in to lose weight.

Lose weight without exorcise?

I know exactly what you mean. I hate to exercise. I am disabled so it is easier for me to just sit. haha true though.

I've been trying this for the last 2 months and I haven't lost a dang thing.

But I am gonna put your question on my watched list and hopefully someone out there will come up with something.

Good luck!

Lose weight without exorcise?

exorcise has nothing to do with dieting. It's getting rid of ghosts and spirits.

Lose weight without exorcise?

I will give you two cases that can be used.

One is a healthy alternative, the other is called "drying out".


Being that you are restricted for time, do anything you can that involves movement. Take stairs, if possible put your computer at a high desk so you can stand instead of sit, even bounce your legs under desk!

For eating you're doing the right thing! For an added factor eat your breads and anything kind of sugary in the morning hours and in the evening go more for a peasantry type thing with veg and fruits and some protien.

One could even try the "backwards approach" eat what you would for supper in the morning and at evening just have a bowl of whole grain cereal.

Drying Out:

this is a method only the crazy should use, but I in fact was at one point.

fat cells are made of water, the less water the less swelled the cells are.

This is why many wrestlers are always sweating it out.

It's basically dehydrating yourself, spit in a cup and don't drink.

It sucks I wouldn't do it again myself, but some people are desperate.

Lose weight without exorcise?

To loose weight you need to eat less calories than you use.

Diet and exercise are methods that work best when together.It is possible to just do the calorie counting thing but it will be harder maintain the weight loss with out exercise as well.

To calorie coubt effectively you would need to know how many calories your body needs in a 24 hr period. You can do this with a BMR calculator, they can be found on the web. You would then need to workout how many additional calories you burn throughout the day, Personally i find it complicated and all that time spent counting could be use exercising.

Eat well, Lean meat fish and poultry, plenty of veg, some fruit and lots of water. Avoid pastries and fried foods and do not overdo the alcohol, caffeine or full fat dairy.

Most importantly, move more. Take the stairs, park further from work and walk the rest of the way, even if you exercise for only 10minutes every day it is a start, build on that.

Lose weight without exorcise?

if you really want to lose weight, you'll have to quit a few things to make lifestyle changes. If you don't you won't see changes!

Losing weight steadily is the best!

1) Eat more steam food, lean meat, vegies and fruits

2) Cut out the junk food, soda drinks and snacks

3) drink plenty of water / green tea

4) Exercise - look at combining weights and cardio into your program. If you don't want to go to a gym try walking 30 minutes a day, jogging or some of sprinting and jogging

Exercise - look at combining weights and cardio into your program. you can look at alternating upper and lower body exercises without rest, say bicep curls, then lunges , rest and repeat. With cardio, try sprinting 100m, jog 100m and repeat.

Here's a review link to a program

5) Have 5-6 healthy meals a day(1 plate portions) to keep your body satisfied

6) if you have cravings drink water or eat fruits

here's an article to a healthy diet

7) have an action plan for long term goals, start off with small goals and increase it gradually over time.

Good luck

Lose weight without exorcise?

if you really want to lose your weight don't worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details view the website..


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